Thursday, February 02, 2012

The Presentation of the Baby Jesus and the Purification of the Blessed Mother

by Simon Vouvet

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Prayer to Obtain the Love of the Infant Jesus

O adorable Infant,
I should not dare to present myself before thee,
did I not know that Thou Thyself invitest me to approach Thee.
It is I, by my sins,
who made Thee shed so many tears int he stable of Bethlehem,
but since Thou art come upon earth to pardon penitent sinners,
vouchsafe to pardon me.
I sincerely repent of having despised Thee,
my Lord and my God,
who art so good and hast loved me so much.
The grace that I ask is that I may love Thee
henceforth with all my heart;
inflame my soul entirely with Thy holy love.
I love Thee,
O my God, who hast become an Infant for me.
Grant that I may never cease to love Thee.
O Mary , my Mother! Thou art all-powerful by thy prayers;
I ask but one favor of thee, namely, that thou wilt pray to Jesus for me.

- Saint Alphonsus Liguori

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