Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Three Good Articles - The Holy Spirit; The Devil - How to Distinguish Who is Speaking to You

In the January 2010 issue of the Word Among Us, there are three must read articles on helping us to distinguish between the whispering voice of God the Holy Spirit and the troubling voice of Satan.

1. Know Your Enemy

2. Article two gives specific instructions of keeping attune to your thoughts in order to distinguish between the two. Test, Record and Wait

3. Weigh Things Well - Wisdom from the Saints on Spiritual Discernment


  1. Thank you Esther, it can be so difficult sometimes to discern who is speaking to us.

  2. Tracy, it really is as odd as that sounds.

  3. Thank You Ester for posting these articles on the Holy Spirit.
    Remembering what Fr. John Randall said, No Spirit, No Church.
    God Bless,
