Wednesday, January 06, 2010

From the USCCB - Meet Our New Priests

Check out this online yearbook of new priests.

Ordination Class 2009 Has Many Asian-Born,
Despite Low Percentage of Asian Catholics in United States

WASHINGTON—The ordination class of 2009 claims 11 percent Asian-born men, though the percentage of Asian Catholics in the United States is only three percent. Six percent of the class is from Vietnam and two percent from the Philippines.

The percentage of Hispanics in the class is also 12 percent, though the percentage of Hispanic Catholics is estimated at 34 percent. Five percent of the class is from Mexico and one percent from Colombia.

Three percent are African American, the same percentage as African American Catholics in the United States. The majority of the class, 72 percent, is Caucasian, although Caucasians make up only 58 percent of U.S. Catholics.
Read the rest here

H/T The Pious Sodality of Church Ladies

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