Thursday, November 05, 2009

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in Prison

...“If you truly believe that Christ is actually present in that tabernacle in your church,” he said,
“how can you just go about your day knowing that He is there?”...

A Protestant minister once made the above remark to Father Gordon MacRae, a falsely accused and convicted priest who has been imprisoned for over 15 years. I hope you take a moment to read his very moving post here

Even though Father MacRae, is may not be a priest of your diocese, I would ask you to spiritually adopt him as I have done, during this Year for Priests.


  1. Good Afternoon
    What a sad article. I had never before heard of this poor unfortunate priest. How vulnerable their work makes our poor priests. Of course some, are guilty of terrible wrong doings but most of our priests are good and faithful men. Let us keep them all, and especially priests like Fr Gordon MacRae, in our prayers. Thank you for bringing this poor man, truly another martyred priest, to our attention. God bless you.

  2. BG, I hope you will take the time to leave a comment for Fr. Gordon on his blog and to maybe post about it on your own blog. Thank you.
