Monday, November 09, 2009

2nd Annual Marian Conference

Our Lady of Fatima
My mother and I, along with many other Catholics attended the 2nd Annual Marian Conference sponsored by the Our Lady of Peace Prayer Group Hawaii. Both were very long days but worth every second spent there.

We got to hear really good talks by Bishop Larry Silva on Our Lady of Guadalupe, Father Vince Inghilterra, spiritual director of the group, on combating evil with the most powerful weapon, the Holy Rosary, Fr. Mieczylslaw Piotrowski, SChr. (Fr. Mitch) on the secrets of Fatima, John Paul II, the evils (specifically that of abortion) that assail the world because we do not heed our Lady's warnings, and Fr. Andrzej Trojanowski (Fr. Andrew) also a Society of Christ priest, who spoke about their magazine Love One Another. It is now translated from Polish to English. I cannot recommend this Catholic magazine enough. Those of you who are local and would like a magazine, let me know and I will give it to you next time I see you. Sister CC, OSB was the emcee and also a speaker. She share her story of coming home and her vocation. She attended two canonizations this year! Another guest speaker was Wayne Weible, who has written books on Medjugorje. He apparently is an expert on the apparitions in Medjugorje. At the conference he addressed the controversy surrounding the apparitions, the visionaries and the Bishop of Mostar.

Check out the photos from the first day of the Conference that have been posted at Our Lady of Peace Prayer Group Hawaii blog

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