Monday, March 02, 2009

New Site - Parent's Duty - Our Children's Vocations

It is funny but whenever my family and I stop to chat with a priest, sister or even another Catholic, they inevitably ask my son "have you thought about becoming a priest". It happened again yesterday when we were visiting with two priests. One of them is so sure my son has a calling, he has always referred to him as "Pope Joey".

Whether or not my son actually has a calling is really up to God. However, most of my regular readers know that I pray daily for that intention and his father and I try to nurture a vocation to the priesthood.

Parents Duty - Vocations Guide for Catholic Parents

I am therefore very happy to find this new website. It is geared for parents like me whose child may have a calling and what we as parents can do to help them.

H/T to Catholic Cultural


  1. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Thanks for the review and for the link! But thanks most of all for saying "YES" to God in always promoting the gifts He has given to our children, whatever they may be. I will be putting a link to your review of the site on my Parents' Duty home page within a day or two! Thanks again and may God bless you in your very important work for Catholic families!

    Love from Lisa

  2. Esther as I said before your and your husbands prayers are so unselfish. God bless you both:).

    I remember asking many mothers here if they wished their sons to enter the Priesthood and they all looked horrified at the idea. Their words were 'I want grandchildren,' these parents do not encourage their children and they pray that their sons and daughters wont be called to a religious life. This is the ulitimate in selfish behaviour and indicative of our times.

    God bles you both for your loving prayers. I shall join you in this prayer:).

    Peace, JOY & Love to you:)

    Marie xoxoxoo *waves to Pope Joey* lol

  3. Thank you so much Lisa!

    Thank you so much Marie. Your words to us are comforting because sometimes I wonder about being selfish.

    Peace and love to both of you.

  4. I too think it is such an honor. Thank you for sharing this with us!
