Tuesday, March 03, 2009

New Site Added to the Side Bar - Fathers for Good

I found this site through one of my Facebook friends Brian.

Fathers for Good

The following is from the About Us Page:
About Us

A FATHER IS … A Protector … Involved … A Loving Husband … AND SO MUCH MORE.

Welcome to Fathers for Good, an initiative for men by the Knights of Columbus.

Whether you are a seasoned dad, a new dad, a dad to be, or a single guy wanting to know more about fatherhood, this Web site is for you.

There is a role only a father can fill and gifts only a father can give. In a culture that often does not favor fatherhood or masculine virtue, we wish to highlight the unique contributions of men, husbands and fathers. The world would be lacking without them.

We also welcome wives who want to support their husbands in becoming the best fathers they can be.

I can't wait to share this site with my husband!

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