Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Message Regarding the March for Life

Bishop Silva

During announcements at Sunday Mass, a message from Bishop Silva was relayed to us. Bishop Silva doesn't want to see hundreds of people show up for Thursday Rally and March for Life. He wants to see thousands!

March for Life
Hawaii State Capital
King Street
Honolulu, HI
3:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.


  1. Tracy, no matter how many of us show up, the local media will drastically reduce the number in their report, if they in fact report it and the coverage will go to the few (less than 10 counter-protestors for the pro-abortion side.

  2. We had at least 7000 at the Washington State March for Life in Olympia, yesterday! May you have the same number or more.

  3. That is terrific Christine!! We had about 1000, which was far greater than last year.
