Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Coming Home - Hawaiian Style

The Diocese of Honolulu is currently featuring a program geared at inviting back Catholics who have left the Catholic Church. Here is one story. I did not know this gentlemen's name until today even though I have seen him at various functions, including monthly Nocturnal Adoration.

Hawaii Reporter - Life Journey Leads Back to Catholicism


  1. That is my dear friend, Vinny (it's "i" not "e" to some of us). He and Jessica are an awesome couple. Hurray! :-)

    Thanks for posting this, Esther. I think you have to come back to my post about Evann. Lots of laughs there for you. :-)

  2. Wow, what a beautiful testimony from this lovely couple. I am so happy for them and happy that you posted it. Their story rings true for so many of us "cradle Catholics". Blessings to you Esther!

  3. Like I told you Easter, I mentioned that to him and he just smiled :-)

    It was a very inspiring. Thanks Roz. Blessing to you too.
