Friday, December 26, 2008

Oh BTW...

I finally joined Facebook and having a heck of fun time with it. I haven't decided if I want to let my old high school friends know I am on Facebook. Hmmm, I'll have to think about that one for a bit.


  1. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Happy Birthday Esther! A god friend of yours let me know it is your birthday today and i just had to stop by and say happy birthday! Seasons greetings to you my friend!

  2. Why thank you dear Deb! And, I wonder who that friend is ;-)

  3. Happy Birthday, Esther! I've enjoyed reading your beautiful blog for awhile now. Hope you're having a wonderful birthday.

  4. happy birthday 2 u.....i joined facebook recently too and it IS like being in hschool all over again....mmmmm...not sure i like that!

  5. Happy Birthday Esther. I found out from a friend of yours, that today is your Birthday..
    I will say a special prayer for you tonight.

  6. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my sweet sister and friend! :-)

  7. Happy Birthday dear Esther!! And, God willing, many, many more!

  8. Kalona, thank you! Thanks also for introducing me to your wonderful blog.

    Regan, thank you! BTW, I hope it's not like that ;-)

    Ed, that was so sweet of you. Thank you so much.

    Easter, thank you so much!! You are the best!

    Thank you so much dear Sue!

  9. Happy Birthday, Esther!

  10. Happy Birthday to you Esther. Facebook is fun as long as you ignore all the requests to join this and that.

    I have over 300 requests just sitting there.

  11. Adrienne, I appreciate that good advice. I was beginning to feel a little overwhelmed :-) Thanks for the birthday greeting and the advice.

  12. I too am having a heck of a time on fb. Not sure if I can keep up with it. Even more high maintenance than a blog! All the same, having fun for now.
    Birthday hugs!

  13. A little birdie told me it was your birthday yesterday! I was "away from the computer" all day long. I hope you had a very special day and have a wonderful, healthy year ahead.

  14. I'm enjoying it now that it isn't just watching my teens sites for inappropriate things. I had my 25th reunion this year which was great.

  15. Happy Birthday, Esther!...a day late. As they say in the Eastern rite, "God grant you many years in peace, health and happiness."

    Margaret Mary

  16. Happy Birthday!!! I hope it's not too late! If nothing else it was certainly exciting! Here today we had an unseasonable 72 degrees here in SW Indiana. Who knows what tomorrow has in store for us. God Bless you!!! Cathy

  17. happy Birthday, Esther!! The 26th is my daughter's birthday too! (And my grandmother's too. Good day:-)

  18. I feel the same way about Facebook and high school people. I've decided for the time being to not let those people know about my blog and see how it goes for awhile.

  19. Evann, glad to know you feel that way too :-) TY

    Thanks Barb, Cathy, and MM!

    Mary Congratulations!

  20. Charlotte, yeah, I know what you mean. BTW, thanks for the award!! I couldn't leave a comment on your blog. But wanted to how much I appreciated that. Merry Christmas.
