Friday, December 26, 2008

Daily Resolution - Second Day of Christmas

2nd Day of Christmas
Today I will look for the positive side in everyone I meet. I will look beyond their limitations. I will forgive anyone who might offend me.

Regnum Christi Daily Meditation


  1. Our Dearest God,
    Bless our dear sister, Esther,
    with your most joyful presence
    and your most comforting love today,
    a very special day in her life.
    Thank you for the gift of life
    you so wonderfully have gifted her with
    for by that life,
    we experience your very Life.
    We praise you for her!

    This was the prayer I added on my blog for you. :-)

  2. Aren't you nice? Thank you so much for beautiful prayer and friendship.

    Love ya!

  3. Good words that I will take to heart.
