Thursday, November 08, 2007

The True Meaning of Christmas Preparation

Please help yourselves to the following Santa Claus blinkies which my friend Layla has shared.sc4
I like the fact that so many blogs are promoting the true meaning of Christmas this year. In other words, they do not want to contribute to the commercialism of Christ's birth day. Instead, many folks will be giving homemade gifts this year.

My brothers, sisters and I will also be doing something special for Christmas. We all mutually agreed not to spend so much money on buying gifts for one another. Instead, we have send old family videos to our one brother. He is going to create a DVD of a collection of family videos for each one of us.

Another sister has collected old family photos. She wanted to have a photo album ready for our Dad's 80th birthday on Monday. But she didn't have sufficient time to get it ready. So, instead each one of us will be receiving a copy of the album.

We also need to remember the homeless, the elderly, the lonely, the homebound and all those less fortunate than us. There are so many ways to help make their Christmas a little more brighter. I hope we do more than our share this year.

One way we start the Christmas season is on Thanksgiving. One of my good friends signs my family up to help deliver meals with the Meals on Wheels program. It is always touching and also heartbreaking to see those elderly people who grateful for a little meal and a little human contact.

So, there are some ideas that our family will doing. Let's really get into the spirit of the Christmas Season. After all, we all know that Jesus is the reason for the season.


  1. I love keeping the Advent Fast as it reminds me to wait in expectation for the Incarnation, not rush, rush, rush.

    Although, I do admit I do get ready for the holiday, I've yet to convince the family to not put up the tree until Christmas Eve or anything.

    And, what a great idea your family is doing!

  2. What a awesome idea!!

  3. Mimi, in the last few years I have really looked forward to Advent! One priest my sister knows wouldn't even open his Christmas cards until Christmas Eve. I don't know if I could do that.

    Tracy, thanks.

  4. I don't know if I could do that.

    I couldn't :)

  5. We make loads of stuff here. The kitchen gets very busy around now.

    God bless

  6. I'd like to know more about what you make WS. I could use some ideas for friends around here.

  7. Mimi, me neither ;-)

  8. Speaking of the True Meaning of Christmas, I found a great place to get religious Christmas cards. They capture the true meaning of Christmas with a Christmas message, a religious image, PLUS a family photo. you can order them here at and they ship within 3 days.

  9. Thanks. BTW, I've subscribed to your blog.
