Friday, November 09, 2007

One More Mass: The Great Novena

I picked up a little pamphlet entitled "The Redeeming Power of the Mass". The following excerpt really spoke volumes to me, me a person who is not a big fan of novenas because I don't think my prayers have ever been answered by least not yet. I hope it speaks to you too.
"How often have I head young ladies say to me: 'Father, we are making novena after novena for certain conversions, but to no avail.' Do you know what I reply? I do not blame that: That is all right, but instead of annoying the saints with novena after novena, why do you not make a novena of Masses? THAT IS THE GREAT NOVENA. After all the saints will applaud you, for they realize the greatness of Holy Mass. I do not blame your novenas to the saints but I say, transform your novenas into something divine, omnipotent...the more Mass...two...three or four more Masses..if possible, daily Mass. You are asking for a miracle; I approve. But I tell you that you must pay the ransom for the conversions you make. You have a right to ask for such miracles. Do you know what a conversion is? It is the resurrection of a soul. It is far greater to see the resurrection of a soul than the resurrection of a corpse. Oh, one more Mass! more Mass! Pay the ransom with the Chalice. One more Mass! If you have anyone at home sick or dying, oh pay the ransom with the more Mass!"
Words form Fr. Mateo Crawley-Boevey, SS.CC