Sunday, October 28, 2007

Reasons for Making a Holy Hour in Adoration

CoCathedralMy family and I make a regular Holy Hour once a week. My husband and son actually remind me that we have to go. In this modern and materialistic, ego-centric world in which we live, what would make a teenage boy, and a busy husband and father, want to sit quietly for an hour? The following are some of our reasons:

1. We are spending quality time with our God, truly present in the Most Blessed Sacrament, one-on-one.

2. We have an opportunity to keep Him company when He is alone in the Adoration Chapel.

3. We can go to Him for help with our problems.

4. We can listen to Him speak directly to us if we are quiet and still.

5. You can find the peace you cannot find anywhere else.

6. To ask Him to help you recall all your many transgressions especially those hidden so deep you have forgotten them. This will help you make a good confession because you will have perfect contrition.

7. You can talk to Him. He will listen. You couldn't find a more loyal and faithful friend.

8. He will help put your worries in perspective.

9. You can ask Him to help your loved ones in need of prayers.

10. To love Him as well as adore Him.

11. To tell Him all your troubles and woes and then feel the comfort that will envelope you when He embraces you in love.

12. For that golden silence we so long for and need.

13. To feel joy in your heart and soul.

14. To ask for help for the less fortunate, the Holy Souls and others who may not have anyone else to pray for them.

15. To refresh your soul.

16. For the strength we need to overcome our sinful ways.

17. To make reparation against the numerous sins committed against God.

18. It brings you closer to God.

19. It changes you and helps you overcome your failings.

20. To give God thanks for all the graces and blessings He has blessed us with and continues to bless us with.

21. Because only those who truly love Jesus will visit Him in the Most Blessed Sacrament either exposed or hidden in the Tabernacle.

22. We imitate the saints of which "adoration of the Blessed Sacrament has been the fervent devotion of theirs."*

23. We have the awesome privilege of gazing at Jesus' loveliness!

24. It helps us achieve humility or any other virtue we need by asking for His help.

25. This spot is for you to answer.

**The Most Blessed Sacrament by Fr. Stephano Maneli, OFM.


  1. It reminds me of what my purpose really is here on earth, that is, to serve the Lord and take the time for him to speak to me. I find it such a renewal of my spirit.

  2. i have as of yet to get to adoration! that man of mine needs to make time! he works to much!

  3. Anonymous6:21 AM

    i love adoration too!

  4. Esther,

    What a wonderful testimony to the importance of Eucharistic Adoration.

    I go to adoration because I long to be in God's presence. He calms me. He brings me so much peace.

    It is great to see your son and husband spending the hour with you and Jesus!

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful chapel with us!

  5. DM: It took a while for me to get my DH to go but now...

    Yeah Jackie :-)

    Thanks Kathy. It really is nice in that little chapel. Sometimes you will hear a gecko and once my friend said she saw it near the Monstrance...all God's creatures...

  6. Anonymous5:07 PM

    I love adoration too, I try to attend twice a week.

  7. That's great Anonymous.
