Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Head of the Household

Dan and Me
Photo taken by Joey yesterday when we had lunch with Dan's second grade teacher who is visiting the islands.

The other day when I posted my responses to My Main Man Meme, I wrote that my husband was the head but I was the neck. By now everyone knows that this was a reference to the movie "My Big Fat Greek Wedding". Oh how wrong I was! During our weekly Holy Hour, I had time to reflect on our marriage. With the help of Mother Angelica, I learned that if we fail to recognize our distinct positions in the family, there could be no peace.
The Family in the Image of the Trinity
by Mother Angelica

The family is a beautiful image of he Trinity. The man is head and he resembles the eternal Father, and like the Father he is to protect, to provide, to create, and to understand. He is to be compassionate like the Father and full of mercy.

The woman is made to the image of Jesus, and like Jesus she is to be meek, loving, a means of reconciliation and gentleness. She has intuition . She has something a man doesn't have: she is intuitive.

The children are like the Spirit. As the Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son, so the children proceed from the husband and wife. Like the Spirit they are a power, a bond of union, joy and love. We call this 'family.'

Now, when the one in the middle wants to be head of the children want to be head, we have a distortion of the family image made to the Trinity, and you cannot deviate from this plan of God! When you do, you have a monster in your family. That's way the families today are not what they should be...
From Mother Angelica's Little Book of Life Lessons and Everyday Spirituality, Raymond Arroyo.


  1. I have that book too, I just love it and am actually on my second time reading it!!

  2. I take my time with it during Adoration. I don't want it to end.
