Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Yo Reinare - I Shall Reign

El Divino Nino
This photo was taken at St. Stephen's Church, Paterson, NJ

Many of you may recognize the statue of the Divine Child Jesus of Colombia. Mother Angelica has helped make devotion to the child Jesus a popular devotion worldwide.

Divino Niño Jesús:
Tengo mil dificultades: ayúdame.
De los enemigos del alma: sálvame.
En mis desaciertos: ilumíname.
En mis dudas y penas: confórtame.
En mis soledades: acompáñame.
En mis enfermedades: fortaléceme.
Cuando me desprecien: anímame.
En las tentaciones: defiéndeme.
En las horas difíciles: consuélame.
Con tu corazón paternal: ámame.
Con tu inmenso poder: protégeme.
Y en tus brazos al expirar: recíbeme.


"Divine Child Jesus,/ In my difficulties: help me/ From the enemies of my soul: save me/ In my errors: enlighten me/ In my doubts and pains: comfort me/ In my solitudes: be with me/ In my diseases: invigorate me/ When others despise me: encourage me/ In temptations: defend me/ In difficult hours: strengthen me/ With your paternal heart: love me/ With your immense power: protect me/ And, into your arms, when I die: receive me. Amen."

Source: Rorate Caeli Blog


  1. Thanks for this prayer, as I strive to open a Catholic radio station here on Long Island, I need this prayer!I'm going to print out a copy to keep next to my computer. Mother Angelica, my inspiration for Mater Angelica radio has a devotion to the Divino Nino.

  2. I hope you are successful Leticia.
