Wednesday, June 27, 2007

For the Help of the Sacred Heart

Sacred HeartPhoto of the Sacred Heart statue taken at St. Stephen's Catholic Church, Paterson, NJ.

For the Help of the Sacred Heart

Take away, O my Jesus, the blindness of my heart, that I may know Thee; take away the hardness of my heart, that I may fear Thee; take away the coldness of my heart, that I may resist everything that is contrary to Thy will; take away its heavy, earthly sluggishness and selfishness, that I may be capable of heroic sacrifice for Thy glory, and for the souls whom Thou has redeemed with Thy own most precious blood. Amen.

From the Prayer Book, The Catholic Press, Inc., Chicago, IL


  1. Beautiful!
    If you ever get over to St. Bonaventure's Catholic Church on Ramsey Street in Paterson, please stop at the St. Anthony Shrine. You will not be disappointed!!

    I got to pass the Great Falls on Saturday when I headed up to see my great-aunt and then some cousins. It may be the last time I see the Falls, since my aunt is moving.

  2. I've never been to that Church. Thanks for letting me know.
    I hope it isn't the last time for you. That would be sad.
