Monday, June 25, 2007

Thanks to Blogging, I WonTwo Contests in a Row!

Ribbon First let me start off by telling you that I never win anything. Seriously, I don't win contests, competitions or even board games. I do enter and compete for the mere fun of it.

It came as quite as a surprise to me that I won two Catholic mom blogging contests. One in May and one in June. How about that!!!

The newly created Catholic Moms Online sponsored a contest for the new members. As a new member I was automatically entered to win a lovely photograph/art work of Our Lady by the owner Angie. Guess what? I was one of two winners! Angie mailed me the very beautiful picture. I can't wait to get home and frame it.

Early this month, Danielle Bean organized a raffle to benefit St. Gianna's Home for Unwed Mothers. Many generous moms donated prizes for this worthy cause. One of them was Barb S of SFO Mom. Barb generously donated a year's subscription to Faith and Family. As you may already know, this is a great magazine for Catholic families. In fact, Danielle is their editor!

Well, guess what? Danielle and Barb informed me that I had won the magazine subscription! How wonderful is that?

So, thanks kind ladies for the opportunity to win these lovely prizes. They are sure appreciated!


  1. Congratulations, Esther! That's wonderful. Enjoy!

  2. Thank you MM!

  3. Congratulations, Esther!
    I am happy for you.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I felt so happy just feeling like I knew someone who won on Danielle's contest. Congratulations. (Of course I would have been even happier if I had won :-)

  6. Very glad for you! I actually did a review of the last issue on our new page:

  7. Thank you Alexandra, Jean, Micki :-) and Mary.

  8. Congratulations! It couldn't happen to a better person!

  9. Thank you Mimi. You are so sweet.
