Sunday, June 24, 2007

A Prayer for Families

Holy FamilyPicture source, Catholic Art Be sure to check out their other lovely Catholic pictures in their online store.

Prayer to St. Joseph
Patron of Families

Saint Joseph, please obtain God's grace and protection for my family and for all families.

Make our home safe and pure, the kingdom of Jesus and Mary - a sanctuary of peace, joy and love. Your protection is greatly needed today because God's enemies are trying to desecrate and destroy the family.

While on earth, you saved the Child and His Mother. So today protect our families and make our homes sanctuaries of prayer, love, patient sacrifice and work.

May they be modeled after you own at Nazareth. Remain with us with Jesus and Mary, so that by your help we may obey the commandments of God and of the Church, live a life a prayer and foster religious instruction in our homes. Save us from the evil that surrounds us, and grant us the grace of going to Heaven to eternally live in the company of the Holy Family.

From America Needs Fatima prayer card.

Update: It appears Ebeth of A Catholic Mom Climbing the Pillars had children on our minds yesterday. Please be sure to read her post.


  1. Anonymous4:06 AM

    Lovely prayer!

  2. Wow! Esther, You and I are on the same wavelength!! Thank you so very much for your beautiful prayer to St. Joseph!! I can't stop crying in my heart for all our world's children...those so helpless and alone and parents that helpless in finding them, keeping them safe, and just simply loving them. Families are so very disrespected in our culture and we need to be supported...prayer! That's what we need!

  3. Wow! That Catholic Art site is beautiful. I bookmarked it and will be purchasing a print or two or...


  4. Thanks Jackie.

    No kidding Ebeth! I just added your link to this post.

    Thanks Biby.

    Glad you liked it Lynne.
