Friday, June 29, 2007

Spotlight - New Catholic Website - News

I received the following email from the founder of Pewsitter
Pewsitter is a unique Catholic news web site that was launched earlier this year.
We are based in the U.S. and the preponderance of news on the site is from the U.S,
we do feature Catholic related news from around the world.

The news on the site comes from two sources. The main source is from the conventional secular and Catholic press. We scour the news every day and put on Pewsitter those stories about the Catholic Church, faith, religion and the important moral and spiritual struggles of the day.

The second news source is the Catholic lay faithful. The concept behind the site is to enlist an army of "pewsitters" to be the eyes and ears for Pewsitter - hence the name. By submitting newsworthy items to Pewsitter, the laity can help shape and influence the Church and be a powerful force for positive change.

Pewsitter's initial focus will be on the national and international news on its home page. Its mid term objective is it to feature the Catholic news of the day within each of the 189 Catholic dioceses throughout the U.S

We would very much appreciate your assistance in getting the word out about Pewsitter.
Here are several ways in which you can help us:

1. Place a link to our site, from your site, in a prominent place
2. Send an email to any opt-in email lists that you might have, encouraging other
faithful Catholics to go to the site and to begin to use it.
3. Volunteer to assist us with this endeavor
4. Keep us in your prayers.

Thank you in advance for your assistance. I know as a faithful Catholic, you will do what you can to assist us with this apostolate- and for that we are grateful. Would you kindly get back to me and let me know if you can assist us by putting a link on your site.

May God bless you.


James Todd
Founder, Pewsitter

p.s. Below is some suggested linking information.

Site: Pewsitter

Linking Text: The Online Catholic Newspaper of the Third Millennium

Description: The Online Catholic Newspaper of the Third Millennium
featuring news content provided by YOU! Tell us what's going on within
your local parish or diocese by submitting a news item and we'll share it
with the world. Support the Pope and the Church by combining your voice
with thousands of other faithful Catholics.

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