Friday, June 29, 2007

Books I Currently Reading


We were in Borders the other day and we were happy to see they carried our Holy Father's book Jesus of Nazareth. By being a homeschooling family, we got a discount on it.

BTW, I got first dibs on it :-)

Although I am only on the second chapter, I am really enjoying learning about Jesus from Pope Benedict XVI's perspective.

The other book I am reading, I picked up at a garage sale at a Synagogue the other day. I am a fan of Isaac B. Singer's books which usually consist of short stories. The Family Moskat is a novel which follows a Jewish family in Poland all the way until the persecution of the Jews during World War II. I expect this book to be a little different from what I usually read by Singer but so far, it is a very good book.

I also started reading the biography on St. Josemária Escrivá. It is translated from the original Spanish into English. I think I would prefer to read it in the original Spanish.

If you could recommend one book to read this Summer, what would you recommend? Please leave your choice in the comment section. Mahalo.