Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Something I've Always Suspected...Now Confirmed


Planned Parenthood of Western Washington, a local affiliate of the nation's largest abortion business, is claiming to have a financial relationship with eBay, one of the top web sites on the Internet. Though confirmation hasn't been able to be obtained, PPWW claims a Planned Parenthood affiliate could get as much as $5,000 from the company. ARTICLE
After boycotting Ebay for a few years, I recently started buying from them again...mainly looking for baseball cards for my dad. Originally, we boycotted because they were selling consecrated Hosts and also first class relics. Then I started hearing rumors that they were supplying money for ESCR.

With this new reason to boycott, my dad will just have to find his missing baseball cards somewhere else.


  1. Thanks for letting us know--I guess I won't be shopping at EBAY.

  2. This is very distressing for me. Since my father in law's fall into deep illness the only place we can find affordable itmes for his feeding tube and other medical items is there.
    I will write them an email. They were very difficult the last time with the selling of the Host online... but maybe we can do it again.
    I hope so.

  3. PB, you're welcome.

    Amy, that is a good idea.

  4. This is very concerning to me Esther. I certainly don't want to support Planned Parenthood but there are many good Christian people selling things I'm interested in. I don't buy often anymore but I wonder if it's good to blackball them when there are lots of other companies. Did you know that (oh gee, can't think of the doll's name)...they have these adorable dolls that are very historically designed with books etc. They too support planned parenhood and I find that even worse because there business caters to young girls....future mothers.

  5. Just thought of the name. American Girl Dolls etc.

  6. Micki, I know it is a dilemma. There are lots of things I can find on Ebay, that I cannot find anywhere else. BTW, someone posted about a Christian version of American girls. If I remember, I will pass along the info.
