Thursday, April 12, 2007

Some Would Want Us to Believe Anti-Catholicism Doesn't Exist

H/T to Custos Fidei Make sure to read his commentaries on the article in question.

ARTICLE - AntiCatholicism - A Phony Issue

The woman who wrote the article reminded me of one of my mom's favorites sayings or dichos - "No hay peor ciego que el que no quiere ver" or There is no one blinder than he that doesn't want to see.


  1. Anonymous2:52 PM


    Thanks for the link.

    I answered your question on my blog, she is a 'free-thinker'. She may also be Catholic, but if she were, 'lapsed Catholic' would be the appropriate term.

  2. Thanks Tito. Sometimes the church's biggest critics and attackers call themselves Catholics. That is why I asked.
