Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Who Are the People Who Are Homeless?

Madonna of the Street

Today we received the Institute of Human Services' newsletter in the mail. In it I found a poem that confirmed what I had often wondered about.

An excerpt from a poem by Delores, a guest at IHS.

I am accidents, illness
Lay-offs, poverty
i am afraid
I am abused, abandoned
caught in circles
i am alone.
I am a soldier come home
from war
pockets 6 pennies deep
nights without sleep.
I am a musician, artist, writer
dreams in my heart
I am an immigrant, laborer
mechanic, maid
a Harvard graduate,
doctor, engineer,
I am shame.
I am mentally ill,
fear-yours and mine
lapsing into night
I am a child crying
a family praying
captives of hope

You ask who I am
look at me
I am you.

Won't you please consider donating to IHS Hawaii or a homeless shelter near you.

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