Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Reflections on a Bad Day

St. FaustinaPicture courtesy of EWTN

Today has been a hard day for me spiritually. I feel that I had so many opportunities to grow spiritually but I wasted those opportunities.

I started to reflect on why it was such a tough day. It occurred to me that I have been lax in dying to myself today. I did not deny myself enough or at all. For example, yesterday was a much better day for me. But then again, yesterday, I wanted so badly to add salt to my food because I didn't salt it enough but for the love of God, I did not. There were a few other little mortifications I did but you get the idea.

Today, on the other hand, I read a secular magazine instead of the spiritual book I was reading. I watched TV...Oprah for goodness sakes!... instead of quietly spending time with the Lord or with my son or doing spiritual reading. So of course, the results were evident. I lost my patience with both my son and my husband. I started to find them annoying! When in fact, I must have been the annoying one. I am ashamed to mentioned what else I thought and did.

I did take a holy priest's advice and asked my family to forgive me and not only that but that the next time I overreact to pray for me. My husband looked surprised but what surprised me was that my son told me he always does pray for me when that happens. It's not wonder, I come to my senses within a short period of time.

I shared my thoughts with with my husband and he said "sacrifices built a spiritual fortress".

After dinner, I went to my room and just continued reading from the Diary of St. Faustina. It sure helped me realize the errors of my choices today and a resolve to to be stronger against temptations tomorrow.

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