Friday, March 16, 2007

What's a Catholic Mom to Do...

Mice Glasseswhen your child spots liturgical abuses?

Let me explain. We have a new priest assigned to our parish. My family happened to be at the Mass he celebrated I believe for the first time at the church. My son was the altar server that day and I was scheduled as one of the EMHC's. After Mass, Joey blurts out to his dad and me, "I counted four liturgical abuses".

I was speechless for a couple of reasons. First of all, I didn't realize that he was concerned about liturgical abuses. Secondly and what concerned me, is he participating in the Mass as he should be or is he more concerned about the priest/celebrant celebrating correctly? Of course, I don't want the latter because it would draw his attention from the sacrifice offered at the Mass.

We do discuss liturigical abuse in our family. Since I am usually the one who brings the topic up, I try to do it in a way that does not criticize or judge the priest. Joey and I are currently reading Sacramentum Caritatis. He and I also discussed and read Redemptoris Sacramentum. I think the GIRM is next.

Ironically, a new pastor and associated pastor (not the one mentioned above) have been assigned to our parish. It appears there is a "wind of change"regarding the Mass which is very encouraging to this conservative Catholic. In other words, the has been a conscience effort on the part of our liturgy committee, to put the emphasis on the Eucharist and not the laity.

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