Friday, March 16, 2007

(Inter)National Prayer and Fasting Days

Prayer VigilPicture courtesy of THIS SITE

Mysterium Fidei had this posted on his blog but I somehow missed it. Sorry it is late in getting the message out.

Our Blessed Lord has from time to time asked his people to gather in prayer, and fasting. At one point of time, a young novice went to this hermit who was considered to be the holiest person in the area. The novice suffered greatly from impurity. He asked the hermit when his temptations of purity would end. The hermit jokingly responded, "3 days after your laid in the ground!" Then the hermit went on to say that the generation they lived in was bad, but the generation to come would be even worse. But then he said, that they lived in the age Satan was leashed, and a time would come when he would be unleashed, and wander freely. Why don't we keep private prayer vigils? Why don't we fast on Wednesdays and Fridays on bread and water. Well, we are weak. We are very weak.

It has to do with our original sin, and of course the comfort our society tries
to give to us does not help at all. We have to stand up and fight, fast, and
pray. Why can't we stay up an hour or two in vigil? Why can't we pray more or
fast more? Why! We need to overcome our weakness and do it. Our world is in
trouble, and it needs OUR prayers! OUR mortification! I invite you to join me in a fast and prayer vigil services.
We will all be in different parts of the world, but let's try to do it at the same time. If you are interested please comment, because I will be sending the results of how many to the Vatican. Here is the schedule:

March 16: a day of fasting on bread and water only. On top of that, there will spend time in 1 hour of vigil in our bedroom, locked door, in the dark with a crucifix and candles light. If you have chant, play it! We will do this from 9 to 10 Mountain time. I know for some this is a lot, but if you can, deny yourself.

March 18: another prayer vigil from 9-10 Mountain time.

March 21: Wednesday fast on bread and water.

March 23: a day of fasting on bread and water, and another prayer vigil from 9-10 mountain time.

March 25: prayer vigil from 9-10 Mountain time.

March 28 & 30 day of fast on bread and water

April 2- 6: (Holy Week) days of fast on bread and water. On this week, try to pick 3 days to do this. If you can do more that's great. We will also have prayer vigils from 9-10 Mountain time all week long. This halts with the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday. On Holy Saturday, we will fast from the morning till 4, when traditionally the Easter celebration begins!

If you wish, you can also email me at with your interests. I have chosen 9-10 Mountain time, because it seems the most so that the people in Hawaii won't be to early, yet the people in Boston won't be to late. Here is the conversion chart:

Hawaii: 7-8
Pacific: 8-9
Central: 10-11
Eastern 12-1
The rest of you, you can do the math yourself! The intention of all these will of course be in reparation for the sins committed against the Sacred Heart of Jesus, most particular, sins against the dignity and sanctity of human life, such as abortion, euthanasia, cloning, etc.


  1. What a wonderful idea. I'll consider it today. I'm awfully weak but filled with good intentions so I'll pray about it.

    Wouldn't Eastern time though be from 11-12 instead of 12-1?

  2. It probably is Micki. I really didn't check on the times. I should have though. Sorry.
