Saturday, March 10, 2007

How to Avoid Hell

The following is from Chap 20 The Pains of Hell in My Daily Bread by the Confraternity of the Precious Blood.

"My child, follow My Will in your daily life and you need never fear hell. In fact you have every reason to be joyful and merry if you are following My commandments and using My sacraments. Do not condemn yourself to hell by refusing to obey My directions. I love you dearly. Do not prevent Me from taking to Heaven."


  1. Esther, is this from a monthly devotional book or a hardbound book? Thanks. Full of great words and wisdom.

  2. Micki: Yes, it is from my favorite little book. My Daily Bread, published by the Confraternity of the Precious Blood. I believe Leaflet Missal carries it.
