Saturday, March 10, 2007


Hell The Vestibule of Hell and the Souls Mustering to Cross the Acheron 1824-27
ink and watercolour over pencil (NGV 4)
Felton Bequest, 1920
National Gallery of Victoria
Picture courtesy of

The following is from Chap 20 The Pains of Hell in My Daily Bread by the Confraternity of the Precious Blood.

..."Hell was made for the devil and his rebel angels. Man was made for Heaven. In refusing to live for Heaven, a man chooses to exist without Me. He shall have his wish-he shall join the rebel angels in hell. In refusing to follow My law, a man actually turns his back on me as the fallen angels did. If he dies in this condition, he condemns himself to hell. The jury which convicts him is his own sinful life. I merely pronounce sentence on what he himself has chosen.

There is nothing on earth which can compare with hell. It is beyond all description...

"All the sufferings known to man are as nothing in comparison with the sufferings of hell. The wise man would rather bear any trial on earth than place himself in danger of hell. One single hour of hell will be harder than a hundred years of suffering on earth...In hell...there is no rest, no consolation, and no friends.

The fires of hell will never die. There will be no end to suffering... He can never hope for an end of his tortures... Despair is hell's bitterest pain.

In hell a man will be punished through the same faults by which he sinned on earth. Each sin will have its own particular torment. The lazy will be forced to work continuously. The gluttonous will be tormented with extreme hunger and thirst. The proud will be filled confusion and the greedy will feel the pinch of miserable want.

...The worst pain of hell is none of these...their keenest torment is that they have forever lost Me, the Source of all true joy and perfect happiness. This suffering makes hell the home of despair and undying hatred..."


  1. WOW! Where do you find all of these awesome articles?!?!!? This explains Hell so well. Nobody is going to be "dragged" off to Hell in the sense that they have chosen it for themselves. In fact, it would be even more torturous for them to endure being in the presence of God in Heaven. If someone does not want God now, why would they later?

  2. Great post, Esther!

    We all need to have a healthy fear of hell. I think sometimes people forget there is a hell - especially when they never hear about it from the pulpit. And, it is a fact that our sins can take us there, which we need to be reminded of - me included!

    Thanks for this wonderful post!

    God bless you,

  3. Wow...this is a keeper article.

    What time is Confession?

  4. PB: The ones of Purgatory and Hell are from My Daily Bread, by the Confraternity of the Precious Blood.
    YW Jean.
    Micki :-)

  5. Kristin, I agree. My hope is that people will try to avoid hell and even purgatory at all costs.
