Monday, February 05, 2007

Washington Same-Sex Marriage Proponents: Require Heterosexual Couples to Have Kids or Face Annulment

Washington Same-Sex Marriage Proponents: Require Heterosexual Couples to Have Kids or Face Annulment

Monday, February 05, 2007

OLYMPIA, Wash. — Proponents of same-sex marriage have introduced a ballot measure that would require heterosexual couples to have a child within three years or have their marriages annulled.
The Washington Defense of Marriage Alliance acknowledged on its Web site that the initiative was "absurd" but hoped the idea prompts "discussion about the many misguided assumptions" underlying a state Supreme Court ruling that upheld a ban on same-sex marriage.

The measure would require couples to prove they can have children to get a marriage license. Couples who do not have children within three years could have their marriages annulled.

Click title above for rest of article.


  1. The group behind this ought to admit that it's really a Catholic anti-choice bunch of people who want to turn women into breeding machines and baby factories.


  2. That's not only stupid and awkward, it's insulting and mean-spirited.

    Professing to be wise they became ding-dongs.

  3. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Sooooo, if a couple has infertility issues, they have to take tests proving this before they get married? Ever heard of adoption ppl? Ever heard of maybe God is calling you in a different direction? Yes I know the point of a sacramental marriage is to procreate, to build his kingdom, but just because God chooses not to bless certain couples with bio children, doesn't mean they shouldn't be married!

    Who comes up with this stuff? I always wonder how these ppl have so much free time to run around doing God's job?!

    God Bless,

  4. Like my husband said to me yesterday, this is just spiteful on the same-sex activists' end.
