Monday, February 05, 2007

Everything is Paid For

Padre Pio
Thank you Sue.

The following is a reflection from My Daily Eucharist

One time, during the celebration of Holy Mass in the Church of St. Paul at the Three Fountains in Rome, St. Bernard saw an unending stairway which went up to Heaven. Very many angels went up and down on it, carrying from Purgatory to Paradise the souls freed by the Sacrifice of Jesus, renewed by priests on the altars all over the world.

Thus, at the death of one of our relatives, let us take much more care about having celebrated, and assisting at, Holy Masses for him, rather than about the flowers, the dark clothes and the funeral procession...

There are recounted many apparitions of souls being purified in Purgatory who came to ask Padre Pio to offer Holy Mass for their intentions so that they would be able to leave Purgatory. One day he celebrated Holy Mass for the father of one of his fellow Franciscan brothers. At the end of the Holy Sacrifice, Padre Pio said to his brother, "This morning the soul of your father has entered into Heaven." The brother was very happy to hear that, yet he said to Padre Pio, "But, Father, my good father died thirty-two years ago." "My son," Padre Pio replied, "before God everything is paid for." And it is Holy Mass which obtains for us a price of infinite value: The Body and the Blood of Jesus, the "Immaculate Lamb." (Apoc. 5:12).

Jesus Our Eucharistic Love
Fr. Stefano Manelli, O.F.M. Conv., S.T.D.


  1. I will remember this for those that die.

  2. Wow... talk about spooky! I had never heard of Fr. Stefano Manelli and on Saturday at our Day with Mary I bought the very book you are quoting from!!

    (I haven't read it yet...)

  3. What a wonderful post!

  4. FW: Our prayers may be the boost they need to get to heaven.

    Mac: That is so funny. I would like to read it too.

    MB: Glad you liked it.
