Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Sacrilegious Reporting and the Confessional

By now, almost everyone must be aware of the unscrupulous reporting by an Italian magazine. Click here for story. The following is what Fr. Robert Fox posted on his blog:

..."What those reporters did, was highly unethical and no less then a sacrilegious abuse of the Sacrament of Reconciliation [Confession] instituted by Jesus Christ. To go into the Confessional and pretend to be penitents with supposed sins one had committed - all of which was a lie and a mockery of the Church, an attempt to divide
priests and Pope - to get a sensational story to sell copy of their publication - was an objective sacrilegious act whether those reporters and their magazine executives had the faith or not.

With such dishonest and sacrilegious endeavors - how can readers trust that the answers the priests were supposed to have given - were honestly represented and reported??????????? With that many reporters accepting such immoral and sacrilegious assignments - how could anyone trust in the future what those reporters would write???? If they would not stop at sacrilege regarding one of Christ’s Sacraments - how can any one trust their reporting????????"

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