Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Gospel Quiz

Another friend from the same Catholic group I have been getting wonderful information from, has shared the following quiz. You will have to scroll down for the answers.
How well did you do? Post results in comment section.

Do you know your Gospel writers? After each statement below see if you can choose the Gospel writer that the statement belongs to. Is it Mark, Luke, John, or Matthew?

1. I wrote the first Gospel:

2. My Gospel is filled with symbolic language and images:

3. I am reputed to be the "disciple whom Jesus loved." :

4. I appear to have organized my Gospel like the first five books of
the Old Testament :

5. It is believed that I also wrote the book of Acts :

6. My Gospel has a heavy sense of suffering with many references to
trials and persecutions :

7. I am reputed to be a non-Jew :

8. In my Gospel I emphasize Jesus as a powerful teacher :

9. In my Gospel I attempt to present an understanding of Jesus as the
Son of God :

10. I wrote to offer those who were already Christians help in better
understanding their faith and roots :

11. My Gospel emphasizes Jesus' humanity :

12. I want the readers of my Gospel to understand that the Christian
message is for everyone-rich and poor, men and women, Jews and
Gentiles :

13. I want my readers to understand that Jesus' life is a fulfillment
of the promises made by God to Israel :

14. My Gospel is the only Gospel that uses the word "church" :

15. The truths I attempt to share in my Gospel are more deeply
theological and reflective than the truths in the other Gospels :

16. I emphasize the role of the Holy Spirit in Jesus' life :

17. I wrote my Gospel with Gentile (non-Jewish) readers in mind :

18. My Gospel constantly reminds the reader of the joy that is shared
by those who experience God's forgiving love in Jesus :

19. It is estimated that we wrote our Gospels in the middle to late
80's, CE :

1. I wrote the first Gospel:
Mark. Mark's Gospel is generally thought to have been written around
70 CE.

2. My Gospel is filled with symbolic language and images:

3. I am reputed to be the "disciple whom Jesus loved." :

4. I appear to have organized my Gospel like the first five books of
the Old Testament :
Matthew. Matthew had a particular desire to show the Jewish people
that Jesus clearly was the Messiah they were waiting for.

5. It is believed that I also wrote the book of Acts :

6. My Gospel has a heavy sense of suffering with many references to
trials and persecutions :

7. I am reputed to be a non-Jew :

8. In my Gospel I emphasize Jesus as a powerful teacher :

9. In my Gospel I attempt to present an understanding of Jesus as the
Son of God :

10. I wrote to offer those who were already Christians help in better
understanding their faith and roots :

11. My Gospel emphasizes Jesus' humanity :

12. I want the readers of my Gospel to understand that the Christian
message is for everyone-rich and poor, men and women, Jews and
Gentiles :

13. I want my readers to understand that Jesus' life is a fulfillment
of the promises made by God to Israel :

14. My Gospel is the only Gospel that uses the word "church." :

15. The truths I attempt to share in my Gospel are more deeply
theological and reflective than the truths in the other Gospels :
John. As the last Gospel written, in approximately 90-100 CE, John's
community had almost 90 years to reflect and live Jesus' Good News
before he wrote the Gospel.

16. I emphasize the role of the Holy Spirit in Jesus' life :

17. I wrote my Gospel with Gentile (non-Jewish) readers in mind :

18. My Gospel constantly reminds the reader of the joy that is shared
by those who experience God's forgiving love in Jesus :

19. It is estimated that we wrote our Gospels in the middle to late
80's, CE :
Matthew and Luke

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