Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Movie Recommendation - Akeelah and the Bee

AkeelahMy family and I watched this movie last night. It was one I had been wanting to watch in a long time.

This movie was about a young girl who doesn't do well in school for a few reasons, one being that she attends an urban school and it isn't cool to be smart. However, her teacher recommends her for the school's first spelling bee based on the fact that she never got a word wrong on her spelling test. With the usual trials and obstacles that one would expect, she eventually gets as far as the National Spelling Bee Competition.

We were not disappointed at all by this story. In fact, we loved it! The acting by all especially the main characters was exceptional. The movie was very heartwarming and touching, yet amusing and entertaining at the same time. The family was not completely stereotyped in the usual Hollywood fashion of an American Black Family. In this movie, the mother is a hard-working widow with many children. Well, there is the troublesome teen son who is involved with a gang and the unwed daughter but I guess it makes sense to the story. The love and unity in the family, as well as the encouragement by the people in Akeelah's life and neighborhood is portrayed very well as one of support.

Rated PG. But caution for mild language. I would recommend it for students especially, those who might be interested in competing in Bee's, whether Spelling, Geography, etc. It will really ignite an interest in educational competition for a student.


  1. I second your recommendation. I watched it with Middle Sister, who is far from a strong speller. She was fascinated--and motivated when her school's Spelling Bee came around. I was glad to see a movie where kids see that it's cool to be smart. (And the drug dealers helping her study--priceless touch!!) This was an impressive effort.

  2. Oh I liked that part too Barb!
