Tuesday, February 20, 2007

2006 Movie Picks - Mercatornet

Lady in the Water

As I mentioned in a previous post, Francis Philips reviews books for Theotokos and by the way the last review was under her pen name Jack Carrigan. She also reviews for Mercatornet.

Today, I visted their site with a little more care and I found the list of movie picks very interesting considering it listed M. Night Shyamalan's film The Lady in the Water as one of the movies they liked.

My family and I are big fans of M. Night Shyamalan, specifically, The Sixth Sense and Unbreakable. My DH and DS loved Signs. However, we were disappointed with The Village, even though we enjoyed it up to the end.

From all we had heard and read, the critics hated the Lady in the Water. We therefore were in no rush to watch it. Finally, on St. Valentine's Day we did. And, we loved it! It was just one of those movies that grab your attention and keeps it there until the end. We were not disappointed at the ending either.

The following is from Mercatornet

Directed by M. Night Shyamalan. Starring Bryce Dallas Howard, Paul Giamatti, Jeffrey Wright, Bill Irwin, Bob Balaban.

This modern fairy tale was panned by some critics as self-indulgent mythmaking by director M. Night Shyamalan, but others loved it. A depressed doctor now working as a janitor in an apartment complex discovers that the person taking illegal night-time swims in the pool is a narf. A narf, he learns from a Korean woman, is a water nymph who belongs in the sea. But she is afraid to leave because of malevolent spirits who are prowling outside. The mysterious fairy-like creature draws together the eccentrics living in the complex as they battle to return her to the ocean. Spooky, atmospheric and quirky. One of the characters is a sour, twisted book and film critic -- no doubt a dig by the director at hostile reviewers.

Click HERE for the complete list.


  1. I haven't seen the movie but read the review. Sounds good!

  2. I really like M. Night Shyamalan too. I really liked "Signs", in that it was very Hitchcock-esque - he spent the movie making YOU scared of the aliens, instead of blowing a bajillion dollars on SFX to make the aliens scary.
    The other theme in his movies I really like is that the characters are all in their place and time for a reason. It's not coincidence, it's meant to be - kind of a Hollywood version of "God has a plan for you, you just don't know what it is yet".
    My fave movie review site for kids is the Focus on the Family site, "plugged in online".

    Mama Says

  3. Trent: Thank you for commenting. Please let us know what you think of it if you decide to watch it.

    Mama: Thank you, I will have to check that site out.

  4. Milehimama, I LOVE Focus on the Family's "Plugged In"! They have such good reviews even though they are Protestant. I like Lady in the Water though not as much as M Night's previous movies like The Village and Signs. God Bless!
