Saturday, December 09, 2006

The Second Week of Advent

2nd week Advent

The following is a beautiful poem that my friend Easter wrote and was published in last week's Hawaii Catholic Herald.

By Easter Almuena

My Love,
I await Your coming.
The earth trembles with joy and expectation.
Get ready to sing songs with a merry tune,

All you children of God!
Get ready to clap your hands and to dance with glee.

The mountains are raised toward You, My Love.
Their grandeur height cannot hide their desire
To proclaim Your greatness.
The rivers already roar with sweet laughter
And the oceans sway to the wind's delight.
They all joyfully await Your coming.

In time, all will do their part
To create a harmony of exaltation.
How marvelous and majestic
Your face I perceive in my heart
Its beauty already permeates the land.
I am simply awed and mystified!

I will dance on the rooftop
And my son will reach the top of themountains.
Very soon they will be in unison
With the songs of every son, daughter,
And every creature.

A new dawn breaks.
Welcome, My Love!

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