Saturday, December 09, 2006

Knights Keeping Holiday Season Holy

KCC Honolulu This is the display that our local K of C put up.
It looks much more beautiful at night.

NEW HAVEN, Connecticut, DEC. 8, 2006 ( The Knights of Columbus are encouraging millions in North America again this year to not lose sight of the real meaning of the holiday season, and to "Keep Christ in Christmas."

The Christmas message is being spread as public service announcements on radio and television in English and Spanish in the United States and Canada, along with hundreds of billboards that have been put up by local Knights of Columbus councils.

"In the midst of an increasingly materialistic and secular society, it is all too easy to lose sight of what Christmas really means. We give gifts to each other because it is the day on which we celebrate the ultimate gift: the Christ child, the savior of mankind," said Supreme Knight Carl Anderson.

"Even those who do not share the Christian faith can and do appreciate the message of peace and hope that this Christian holiday -- holy day -- brings to the world. It is a message that the world needs now more than ever," he added.

The Knights have launched similar campaigns since the 1980s.

Last year, the Knights of Columbus Christmas announcements reached more than 43 million television viewers and up to 37 million radio listeners.

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