Sunday, August 23, 2020

Book Review - Maximilian Kolbe, The Saint of Auschwitz, by Jean-Francois Vivier

Maximilian Kolbe, The Saint of Auschwitz, by Jean-Francois Vivier

Illustrated by Denoel, Sophia Institute Press, 2019.

Review by Rosa M. Sautner, Catholic Homeschooling mother of two.

    St. Maximilian Kolbe is one of our favorite saints so we were very excited when a graphic novel of his life was published by Sophia Institute Press.  Father Kolbe was a Polish Franciscan and a modern day saint who died in Auschwitz in 1941.  His life of charity and selfless dedication to the Immaculate Mother of God was crowned by the heroic offering of his life to save another prisoner.

    The author was given access to the photographs in the archives of Niepokalanow.  The illustrations are life-like and accurate.  Some actual photographs are included at the end of the book.  We were thrilled that there were some photos we had never seen before.

    The book begins with Father Kolbe's self-offering to save the life of another condemned prison, Francis Gajowniczek.  It then weaves Father Kolbe's life story as his remembrances to another prisoner in the starvation bunker in Auschwitz.

    The book ends with the triumph of Father Kolbe in the bunker and his glorious canonization by Pope St. John Paul II in 1982.

    We love Father Kolbe, his life and death are a great inspiration and light for our dark times.  Maximilian Kolbe, The Saint of Auschwitz is a moving, beautifully illustrated and historically accurate book.  If your child is of a sensitive nature, it would be wise to read through it together with a parent.  Otherwise, it is an outstanding book, sure to inspire young people to a life of self-sacrifice and love for Mary Immaculate.

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