Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows - The Seven Sorrows of Mary as seen through Art


Most holy Virgin and Mother,
whose soul was pierced by a sword of sorrow
in the Passion of thy divine Son,
and who in His glorious Resurrection
was filled with never-ending joy at His triumph; 
obtain for us who call upon thee,
so to be partakers in the adversities of Holy Church
and the sorrows of the Sovereign Pontiff,
as to be found worthy to rejoice 
with them in the consolations
for which we pray,
in the charity and peace of the same Christ our Lord.

The Prayer Book.

1.  The Prophecy of Simeon.

"The Presentation of Jesus" by Fra Angelico

Picture source

2.  The Flight into Egypt.

"The Flight into Egypt" by Vittore Carpaccio

Picture source

3.  The Loss of the Child Jesus in the Temple.

"The Loss of Jesus in the Temple" Christ the King Chapel, Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows, Belleville, Illinois

Picture source

4.  The Meeting of Mary and Jesus at the Way to Calvary.

by Andrea di Bartolo

Picture source

5. The Crucifixion.

by Giotto

  Picture source

6.  The Descent from the Cross.

Master of St. Bartholomew Altar

Picture source

7.  The Entombment.

by Peter Paul Rubens

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