Thursday, October 30, 2014

How to help the souls in Purgatory

The month of November is dedicated to the Holy Souls.  As the photo above reminds us, we can pray for them while visiting a cemetery the first week of November and we can earn plenary indulgence.  This indulgence can be applied to ourselves or to a soul in purgatory.  At other times, it is a partial indulgence.

The following are other ways to help the souls:

1.  When a loved one or a friend dies, arrange and request Gregorian masses.  This would be 30 consecutive Masses, usually 10.00 a mass as a donation.  There are many Religious orders of priests who would be happy to arrange this and can be found online.  e.g.
The friars at Seraphic Mass and The priests Marians of the Immaculate Conception to name two.

2.  Request 3 consecutive masses for the repose of the newly departed loved one or friend.
 Saint Padre Pio's order would do this for the friars that died.  They believed it was the most efficacious way to relieve their sufferings.

3.  Those who cannot afford to have masses said for the holy souls should assist at as many masses as possible for their intention.

4.  Meditate on Jesus' Passion and Death while doing the Stations of the Cross.

5.  Pray and meditate on the Holy Rosary.

5.  Offer up our sufferings for the intentions of the Holy Souls.

7.  Offer up a prayer for the Holy Souls every day.

A Prayer for the Souls in Purgatory

O most gentle Heart of Jesus,
ever present i the Blessed Sacrament,
ever consumed with burning love for the poor captive souls in Purgatory,
have mercy on the souls of Thy departed servants.  
Be not severe in Thy judgments, but let some drops of Thy Precious Blood fall upon the devouring flames.
And do Thou, 
O Merciful Saviour, send Thy holy angels to 
conduct them to a place of refreshment, light and peace.

8.  Offer all good works, prayers and sufferings and indulgences one day a week, (preferably Sunday) for them.  There is no necessity to do anything new or extraordinary but just offer what one is accustomed to do on that day.

Basic conditions to offer good works for the holy souls:

- It must be carried out in a reverential manner and without any ulterior motives.
- It must be carried out in a state of grace.
- It must apply to them in a general or specific way.

9.  By saying as many aspirations as possible throughout the day.

e.g. "Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in Thee."  Or, simply: "Jesus!"

10.  Love our lady and pray constantly for the release of the souls from purgatory, (following Saint Padre Pio's example).

11.  Our indulgences can be offered for the intentions of the souls in purgatory, Plenary indulgences can be applied to a holy soul ONCE a day.  Partial indulgences can be applied to the souls several times a day.

The conditions for plenary indulgence to be gained:

- sacramental confession (you must
- Holy Communion
- pray for the Pope's intentions

12.  Continue praying for our beloved dead because even if they are in heaven and no longer need our prayers, they are applied to other souls.

13.  Give alms to the poor (the intentions must be there first).

14.  Fast.

15.  Mortify our bodies.

Lastly, "what you do for the dead, you do in a most excellent manner for yourself.  The reason of this is, that this work of mercy will be returned to you a hundredfold, in the day when you yourself shall be in distress..." - Fr. Paul O'Sullivan

The Holy Souls - Viva Padre Pio by Father Alessio Parente, OFM Cap.
Purgatory by Fr. F. X. Schouppe, S.J.
Read Me or Rue it/How to Avoid Purgatory - Father Paul O'Sullivan, O.P.

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