Thursday, July 04, 2013

Fourth of July

You can read the United States Constitution HERE.

Prayer on Independence Day

Heavenly Father,
like the Israelites of old,
our ancestors in the faith,
our country has struggled long and hard to be free,
and to keep its freedom as a nation.
It too has met with success and failure
in trying to achieve its goals.
Let me take this holiday celebration
to ponder the strengths and weaknesses of my country.
Make me resolve always to do my part to keep it strong
and strive constantly to eliminate its weaknesses:
in the social, political, economic, and religious field.

Teach me to meditate on the teachings of your Son
who brought us a message of peace and freedom
and instructed us to live as brothers and sisters.
His message took form in the vision of our founders
as they fashioned a nation 
where people might live as one.
May this message live on in our midst
as a task for people today
and a promise for tomorrow.
Thank You for Your past blessings
and for all that, with Your help, we will achieve.


New Saint Joseph People's Prayer Book

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