Saturday, April 20, 2013

St. Raphael's Healing Oil

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A kind lady shared with me her testimony regarding the sacramental, St. Raphael's Healing oil.  For those of you not familiar with Father Joe Whalen's ministry, I was asked to once again post about it.  Father Joe Whalen  has an amazing conversion story.  He started a special healing ministry.  You can read more about it here.

I have known about this healing ministry for a while now.  I like to keep the healing oil and accompanying prayer cards at home because there are times I feel the need to share them with those who may benefit from it.  I have shared them with Catholics and non-Catholics alike.  However, with the non-Catholics, I make it very clear that it is not a  new-agey-type of healing.  It is a sacramental as is holy water, rosaries, etc.

The following is the email I received this morning:

Hi Esther,

Quite a while ago you posted about St. Raphael’s Holy Oil.  I wanted to thank you for that because due to your post, I was able to recommend the holy oil to several family members suffering from serious illnesses, and thanks be to God, they were cured!  I never miss an opportunity to spread the word about Fr. Whalen and St. Raphael’s Holy Oil and am so grateful for your post.  I wanted to suggest that perhaps you post that again, as some of your readers may not know about it.


Thank you dear reader for sharing your testimony!

I would ask that you keep Father Joe and his ministry...and staff in your prayers, so that they can continue to help others.

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