Thursday, November 22, 2012

"The Real Truth about Purgatory"

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"..."Is it true that the sufferings of Purgatory are much greater than all the torments of earth and even of the martyrs?"
"Yes, my daughter, all this is very true."
Sister Serafina then asked if everyone who belongs to the Scapular Confraternity of Carmel (those who wear the scapular), is freed from Purgatory on the first Saturday after death:
"Yes," he answered, "but only if they are faithful to the Confraternity's obligations."
"Is it true that some souls must stay in Purgatory for as long as five hundred years?"
"Yes. Some are condemned until the end of the world. These souls are very guilty and entirely abandoned."
'Three main things draw God's malediction over men: failure to observe the Lord's Day through work, the very widespread vice of impurity, and blasphemy. Oh my daughter, how these blasphemies provoke the wrath of God!'..."
This article can be found in its entirety here


  1. Esther,
    Thank you for the link to America needs Fatima, where I read with great interest and edification, the articles on Purgatory, and making a perfect contrition.

    God bless you. Have a Holy Advent

  2. Maryellen, wasn't it a very good article? God bless and thank you, you too.
