Monday, September 26, 2011

Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos, feast is October 5 - start novena today

Shared by Mary Jane. In your kindness, please remember the repose of her brother Steve who recently passed away.

Divine Physician,
You infused Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos
with the gift of Your healing.
By the help of his prayers,
sustain in me the grace to know Your will
and the strength to overcome my afflictions.
For love of You, make me whole.
May I learn from the example of Father Seelos
and gain comfort from his patient endurance.
Amen. (Mention your intentions here)

Litany of Blessed Francis Seelos:

Lord, have mercy on us!

Christ, have mercy on us!

Lord, have mercy on us!

Christ, hear us!

Christ, graciously hear us!

Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos, pray for us

Francis, pattern of cheerfulness, pray for us

Francis, lover of labors, pray for us

Francis, model of confessors, pray for us

Francis, gentle refuge of penitents, pray for us

Francis, example to seminarians, pray for us

Francis, master of poverty, pray for us

Francis, pillar of peacefulness, pray for us

Francis, comfort of the sick, pray for us

Francis, companion to the dying, pray for us

Francis, paragon of holiness, pray for us


O God, who made your priest, Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos, outstanding in love, that he might proclaim the mysteries of redemption, and comfort those in affliction, grant, by his intercession, that we may work zealously for your glory and for the salvation of all. Amen.

For more information go to: Seelos Center


  1. Memory Eternal for Steve indeed.

  2. Mimi, you are such a dear person. Thank you!
