Thursday, May 26, 2011

On Working Purely for the Love of God - St. Philip Neri

St. Philip Neri by Giaquinto Corrado

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"...He who works purely for the love of God desires nothing but His honor, and thus is ready in everything either to act or not to act, and that not in indifferent matters only but even in good ones; and he is always resigned to the will of God. The Lord grants in a moment what we may have been unable to obtain in dozens of years.

To obtain perfectly the gift of humility, four things are required: to despise the world, to despise no person, to despise one's self, to despise being despised.

perfection consists in leading captive our own will, and in playing the king over it.
A man ought to mortify it in great ones, and to advance in the way of virtue. Without mortification nothing can be done. We ought to hope for and love the glory of God by means of a good life."

- St. Philip Neri May 26 Meditation, Magnificat 2011


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