Thursday, April 21, 2011

Reminder: The Divine Mercy Novena Begins on Good Friday and Local Divine Mercy Invitation

Since I won't be on the computer tomorrow, I am posting the link to the Divine Mercy Novena today.

Divine Mercy Novena

For those of you who will be praying novena for the beatification of Pope John Paul II, be sure to sign up to receive the emails. If I receive the first day email late tonight, I will not be able to post the First Day intentions here.

Also, I want to share an invitation which came from Rose of the Divine Mercy Center of Hawaii:

You're Invited to
A Special Divine Mercy Sunday and New Adoration Chapel Dedication Mass

Join us for the official inauguration of The Blessed Pope John Paul II Adoration Chapel at St. Joseph's Church in Waipahu
DATE: May 1, 2011 Divine Mercy Sunday
TIME: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
LOCATION: St. Joseph's Church
94-675 Farrington Highway, Waipahu

2:00 pm Visit the Parish Hall for Eucharistic Adoration
and Divine Mercy Materials

2:30 pm Rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy Prayers

3:00 pm Holy Mass to be officiated by Bishop Larry Silva
with the LaSalette priests concelebrating
Eucharistic Procession after the Mass

4:00 pm Refreshments in Parish Hall


  1. Anonymous2:53 AM

    I said the DM chaplet yesterday, but forgot to start the novena. Thanks for the reminder. Have a blessed Easter!

  2. A very blessed Easter to you too.
    God bless

  3. I'm visiting from California and was looking for a church that was going to celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday.So glad I found your blog.I'm in Mililani & hope to attend the feast day activities...

  4. Aloha and welcome. I am happy you found the info! Happy Feast of Divine Mercy!

  5. Anonymous5:27 PM

    So privileged to spend Divine Mercy Sunday at St Joseph of Waipahu.Dedication of the Blessed Sacrament Chapel by Bishop Silva memorable.I had't been to St Joseph in a few decades since I left Hawaii.Parishioners very friendly.I even saw someone I met at the Catholic Congress in Anaheim a couple of months ago.Mahalo for the special experience!

  6. So glad you had a happy and blessed experience. Mahalo for sharing.
