Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Pro-Lifers - Converts to Catholicism

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With the recent announcement of Stand True Ministries'founder Bryan Kemper's conversion to Catholicism, I thought I'd look back to see what other well-known North American pro-life activists, have come home.  BTW, I have longed admired Bryan because of Rock for Life.  Welcome home!
H/T to Deacon's Bench.

Bryan Kemper: My Journey Home to the Catholic Church

Read also: Bryan Kemper: How My Conversion to Catholicism Will Effect the work of Stand True...

Recent Converts also include:

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- Abby Johnson who not only converted from pro-abortion, planned parenthood head to pro-life activist and now preparing for conversion into the Catholic Church.CNA: Abby Johnson Reveals Details of Prolife Turnaround and Catholic Conversion

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- Lila Rose, the head of Life Action
OneBillion Stories: Lila Rose Become a Catholic

Before Bryan, Lila and soon-to-be Catholic convert Abby Johnson, there was

- Hadley Arkes

Read: National Catholic Register's From the Ark to the Barque and also
The Anchor's: Prolife Leader Hadley Arkes Becomes Catholic

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- Norma McCorvey, Plaintiff "Roe" in the infamous Roe v. Wade lawsuit. She too not only converted to pro-life activist, she converted to Catholicism.

Priests for Life: Norma McCorvey of Supreme Court decision legalizing
abortion says she felt a 'real sense of inner peace'

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- Dr. Bernard Nathanson, who recently went home.
One cold January morning in 1989, Bernard Nathanson, famous Jewish abortionist-turned-atheistic-pro-lifer, began to entertain seriously the notion of God. Seven years later, thanks to a persistent Opus Dei priest, the sixty-nine-year-old doctor, author of Aborting America and The Abortion Papers, is becoming a Roman Catholic.

EWTN: Bernard Nathanson's Conversion

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- Controversial pro-life activist Randall Terry also joined the Catholic Church in 2006

National Catholic Register's Pro-life activist Randall Terry converts to Catholicism, still slaying dragons

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