Saturday, March 12, 2011

St. Therese's Spiritual Library

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...Therese drew profit from her reading and the Carmelite instruction she received ruing her religious life. She did not indulge in that sort of spiritual gluttony that makes some 'pious' persons devour a great quantity of sweetly devotional books. Her spiritual reading list can be reduced to:

1. Holy Scripture
2. The Imitation of Christ
3. Father Surin's Foundations of the Spiritual Life Note: The one I found online has been adapted for use in the Anglican Church.
4. Father Arminjon's The End of the Present World and the Mysteries of the Future Life
5. The Works of St. Teresa of Jesus
6. The Works of St. John of the Cross

From the Complete Spiritual Doctrine of St. Therese of Lisieux by Rev. Francois Jamart. O.C.D., Alba House