Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What is a Christian Home?

It is a fortress built by the hand of God founded and instituted at His command, sanctified by His Divine love. It is...a home in which religion holds the first place in which the name of our Lord is a familiar sound and where the parents govern themselves and rule their children by the principles of a Christian life.

The Christian home is easily discovered. The very walls of the house will tell you at a glance who it is that holds the first place in the minds and hearts of its inmates. If on looking around the eye rests on emblems of our holy faith, if you find in every room the crucifix or the image of Our Lady, or a religious picture; if you see the holy water stoup well replenished, along with other tokens of faith, then the very appearance of the house will afford presumptive evidence that Our Divine Lord holds His rightful place in the bosom of the family dwelling there.

- Excerpt from Essays on Catholic Life by Thomas O'Hagan, Books for Libraries, Inc.


  1. How true that is. We have found ourselves wanting more symbols of our faith in our home. We want everyone who enters our home and even our children to be reminded of that faith.

  2. That is the kind of home we grew up in. It speaks volumes. Thanks SR.
