Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Feast of the Immaculate Conception

Immaculada Concepción con Colegiales by Francisco Zurbaran
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Venerable Brethren,
Health and the Apostolic Blessing.

An interval of a few months will again bring round that most happy day on which, fifty years ago, Our Predecessor Pius IX., Pontiff of holy memory, surrounded by a noble crown of Cardinals and Bishops, pronounced and promulgated with the authority of the infallible magisterium as a truth revealed by God that the Most Blessed Virgin Mary in the first instant of her conception was free from all stain of original sin. All the world knows the feelings with which the faithful of all the nations of the earth received this proclamation and the manifestations of public satisfaction and joy which greeted it, for truly there has not been in the memory of man any more universal or more harmonious expression of sentiment shown towards the august Mother of God or the Vicar of Jesus Christ...


Immaculada Concepción by
Bartolomé Esteban Murillo

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Prayer for a Holy Life

Virgin Immaculate,
Mother of God and my Mother,
from your throne in heaven
turn your merciful eyes upon me.
With full confidence in your goodness and power,
I beg you to help me in this journey of life,
which is strewn with dangers for my soul.

I entrust myself completely to you,
that I may never be the devil's slave through sin,
but may always live a unable and pure life.
I consecrate my heart to you forever,
since my sole desire is to love your divine Son Jesus.
O Mary,
since none of your devoted servants has ever perished,
let me too attain salvation.

Immaculada Concepción by Pedro Saenz

Picture source

You are all fair, O Mary;
the original stain is not in you.
You are the glory of Jerusalem,
the joy of Israel,
the great honor of our people,
and the great advocate of sinners.
O Mary, Virgin most prudent,
Mother most merciful,
pray for us;
intercede for us with our Lord Jesus Christ.

Immaculada Concepción by Antonio Cortina Farinós

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To the Immaculate Queen

O Virgin most pure, wholly unspotted,
O Mary, Mother of God,
Queen of the universe,
thou art above all the saints,
the hope of the elect a
and the joy of all the blessed.
It is thou who hast reconciled us with God;
thou art the only refuge of sinners and the safe
harbor of those who are shipwrecked;
thou art the consolation of the world,
the ransom of captives,
the health of the weak,
the joy of the afflicted,
and the salvation of all.
We have recourse to thee,
and we beseech thee to have pity on us.

- Saint Ephrem the Syrian
The Immaculate Conception Patroness of the Redemporists

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Blessed be the holy and Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
Mother of God.

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By your Immaculate Conception,
O Mary,
make my body pure and my soul holy.

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O Mary,
who entered the world without stain of sin,
obtain for me from God
that I may leave it without sin.
Immaculada Concepción by Alonso Cano

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Virgin Mother,
you were never touched by any spot
of original or actual sin.
I commend and entrust to you the purity of my heart.
Immaculada Concepción

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Glorious things are told of thee,
O Mary,
for He who is mighty
hath done great things unto thee.

- Source The New Marian Missal for Daily Mass, 1956

Immaculada Concepción by Tiepolo Giambattista

Picture source

Prayer sources: Mew St. Joseph's People's Prayer Book, Catholic Book Publishing
The Prayer Book, Catholic Press

1 comment:

  1. Happy Feast Day Esther!! These pictures are so beautiful.. they make me emotional with their beauty!!
